Igniting the movement. Advancing climate justice.
Communities that enjoy clean air, clean water, open space and parks, and the security of knowing that our planet can sustain us today and for future generations.
A democracy that we are proud of, in which all people have an opportunity to be part of choosing who will represent them and in which those representatives are accountable to all their constituents. Participating in our democracy should be easy and accessible.
A strong, powerful environmental movement that reflects the values, priorities, and leadership of low-income communities, Latinx, and other BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color) communities.
Chispa Florida builds the power of low income, Latinx, and other BIPOC communities across Florida to achieve climate justice, community health, and environmental protection and demand accountability from polluters and decision-makers. Our community organizing and civic engagement efforts invigorate the environmental movement with new leaders, increase voter participation, and hold elected officials accountable year-round.
The harmful effects of climate change have never been more alarming: from the displacement of millions of people due to extreme weather, exacerbated air pollution from stronger and longer extreme heat, the lack of access to drinking water, massive wildfires, destruction of wildlife, and increasing pollution of our land and water.
Already the largest demographic minority group in Florida, Latinx communities are among the worst impacted and the least involved in mainstream environmental organizations, but they are some of the most committed to supporting strong government action to curb pollution and confront climate change head-on. To build a state- and nationwide movement to address climate change, Latinx and BIPOC communities and leaders must be seen and heard by decision-makers as the leaders they are on environmental issues.
Through grassroots community organizing, issue campaigns, and civic engagement, Chispa is creating local wins, led by Latinx and BIPOC families, that when connected, create momentum for strong local, state, and national action on climate change. At the same time, we are growing the infrastructure and leadership in communities to support Latinx and BIPOC families having the political clout to stand up to polluters and demand accountability from decision‑makers who have turned a blind eye to environmental racism and disparities in their communities. This leadership is essential not only for local communities, but also to ensure that mainstream environmental organizations integrate justice and equity into their priorities and analyses, and become more racially diverse, inclusive organizations that better represent and reflect all communities in Florida. This is a critical step as our country prepares to become majority people of color by 2045.
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