Water is life. It supports our natural systems, our economy, and our survival as a species. To protect our waterways and wetlands, we must invest in water infrastructure; enact strong pollution-control laws; and hold polluters, agencies, and elected officials accountable.
Water is the lifeblood of our state. Our economy, public health, and quality of life all depend on clean water. Unfortunately, years of lax policy and enforcement have resulted in a dangerous decline in both water quality and quantity statewide. The result of neglecting our waterways becomes devastatingly apparent when waterways become choked with toxic algae and waterbodies around the state are regularly deemed unsafe for swimming. Our aquifers are experiencing excessive water withdrawals and saltwater intrusion.
There is no single “silver bullet” solution to save our water! The threats to our water resources are numerous and varied, so the solutions to address these issues must also be. Clean water requires that we enact laws that protect wetlands, invest in water infrastructure, and hold polluters accountable. Water quality and quantity will determine the success or failure of our state’s tourism and fishing industries, directly impacting Florida communities, economy, and culture.
FCV advocates for strong laws that stop pollution at the source and hold polluters accountable. Pollution standards must protect both human and environmental health and local communities should have a voice in protecting their local waterways. We believe that smart growth practices are necessary to conserve water in the face of development, and that policies must account for climate change impacts to our water quality and quantity. FCV works to ensure that resources are directed to implement water quality solutions based on scientific consensus and that all appointed offices in environmental-related positions are filled with people who will best advocate for our water.
All of these problems are compounded in low-income communities and communities of color where people often face disproportionately high pollutant exposures. As we navigate the COVID-19 crisis, it’s even more critical that we protect our environment, our health, and our drinking water sources.