Clean Energy for All
FCV is committed to building a more racially and economically equitable movement to achieve a just transition to clean energy in Florida.
The Clean Energy for All (CEFA) table brings together policy experts, communications strategists, organizers, and community leaders from across the state to articulate a statewide vision for achieving a just transition to a renewable energy economy which prioritizes the needs of low-income communities and communities of color.
We are committed to equity and justice as crucial pillars of our strategic vision and value system. The CEFA table serves a critical role in helping to spread our values and empower the communities most at risk from the impacts of climate change.
The CEFA table meets on a bi-weekly basis to discuss pressing issues related to the intersection of clean energy policy and justice. Each year, prior to the legislative session, the CEFA table articulates a policy vision which is passed on to legislators and other partners working to achieve positive change on clean energy and climate action. The CEFA table also provides a space for education and collaboration between environmental and equity and justice focused organizations. The Connected in Crisis coalition, which is helping Florida’s most vulnerable citizens maintain energy security throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, is an excellent example of the type of collaboration which has emerged from the CEFA table.