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Author: FCVoters

FCV OPPOSES Amendment Number 4

Amendment 4, also known as the “amendments must pass twice amendment,” would require constitutional amendments to be approved by voters at two successive general elections to become effective. Known as “Number 4,” this constitutional amendment undermines your voice by decreasing voters’ political power. Number 4

Honor Latinx Heritage Month by Taking Action

Latinx Heritage Month started on Sept 15. Through Oct. 15, America celebrates the legacy of Latinx communities. It’s a month of acknowledgment, education, and most importantly, action.   Sept. 15 coincides with independence anniversaries for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Mexico and Chile

FCV OPPOSES Amendment Number 3

Amendment 3, also known as the “jungle primary” amendment, would change Florida’s primary elections for state legislators, the governor and lieutenant governor, and elected cabinet members (Attorney General, Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and Chief Financial Officer) from a closed election to a top-two

Celebrate Water Quality Month: Take Action!

As Floridians, we are surrounded by water. Our treasured water resources are part of our identity. FCV fights tirelessly to protect Florida’s valued waters. That means demanding strong protections for both water quality and water quantity.  This month we are highlighting the work that FCV