Manatees Need Clean Water Advocates

Like most Floridians, I have a soft spot for manatees. Since my childhood days exploring Biscayne Bay in Miami, there’s never been a time when I didn’t jump with excitement when I spied one of these gentle giants in our waters.  Now I live in Tallahassee with my family, and

Happy Clams Need Clean Water

You've heard the expression, 'happy as a clam.' But, it turns out, Florida's clams aren't all that happy. Dr. Todd Osborne is hoping to change that. Dr. Osborne is a biogeochemist at UF's Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience. With his team, he has been working to restore clams in the

Threats to Land and Water

 We lose a little bit of the Old Florida every day. With rising seas and explosive development, we must act quickly to save our land and water.  Climate change threatens coastal and inland areas. As global temperatures get higher, waters warm and expand. As sea levels rise, coastal areas can

Guided Nature Meditation

Enjoy this 10 minute guided meditation inspired by Florida's natural beauty. At FCV, we know that staying up to date and active on big issues like climate change, water quality, and land development can be exhausting work. The planet needs our voices now more than ever, but how can we

Seven Florida Water Bodies Under Threat

Floridians rely on clean water, not just to keep our ecosystems healthy but our economy too! Each water body is different. Learn about these seven Florida water bodies, what makes them special, and the threats they face.  Lake Okeechobee Fun fact: Lake Okeechobee is huge. It’s about half the size

Red Tide Robs Restoration Efforts

Red tide may occur naturally in the Gulf of Mexico, but its intensification and devastation are preventable. Voters have asked their elected leaders to stop pollution, but lawmakers have failed Florida. Voters have also asked their lawmakers to reduce carbon emissions, but again, they have refused to act. The consequences

Mobilizing Water Warriors

Floridians want healthy beaches and clean water. But right now, Florida is sick. The cause: red tide. Hundreds of manatees have died of starvation, tons of dead fish are flooding our waterways, and sharks have attempted to escape red tide by swimming into our canals. While red tide is natural,

TECO Doesn’t Deserve a Raise. Speak up!

The Tampa Electric Company is attempting to raise rates on customers by a full 19%, one of the biggest rate increases in Florida history. The company is attempting to raise rates in order to fund a new natural gas unit at the Big Bend powerplant, new transmission infrastructure, efforts to