Learn about Air Pollution at Picnic in the Park

Florida Conservation Voters Education Fund will host a Picnic in the Park on December 14, 2019, from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. This family-fun event is intended to bring together the South Florida community to learn about local clean air issues and ways they can get involved. FCV Education Fund

Notes from the Field: Tate’s Hell State Forest

I am standing on thousand-year-old dunes. They are the ancient remnants of mountains formed of salty, wind-swept sand. Today, these dunes are now scrub and flatwood communities, home to tall sand pines, short scrubby oaks, and a plethora of biodiverse grasses and flowers. Tate’s Hell State Forest is a conservation

Give Thanks for Environmental Progress

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on what we are thankful for. Looking back, we have made strides. Looking forward, we know there is much left to be done. LAND Above all, we are thankful to live in the Sunshine State. Our natural lands are true gems. Places like the

Notes from the Field: Bear Creek Educational Forest

I’m a big fan of butterflies and pretty much all pollinating, six-legged creatures. At Bear Creek Educational Forest, I was in for a treat. My Florida Master Naturalist class (UF/IFAS) welcomed bug expert, Billy Boothe to lead us on an insect adventure. It turns out, we can tell a lot

Electrify Your County’s School Bus Fleet Webinar

One environmental topic in Florida that often gets swept under the rug is our children’s health. Much focus has been placed on our 11-year deadline to change course and reduce our carbon emissions. But what future generations so desperately need are real action steps today. When the clock runs out,

Notes from the Field: Leon Sinks Geological Area

When I’m out in the woods, I like to disconnect. No apps, no texts, no social media. Just me and my camera. That was until I was introduced to iNaturalist. This mobile app prompts you to take a photo of a plant or animal, upload it, and identify it. Thankfully,

Six Ways to be Engaged in M-CORES Toll Road Process

On Nov. 13, I joined 1000 Friends of Florida as a presenter for its webinar, Covering All the Bases: Effective Engagement in the M-CORES Process. I discussed ways to be engaged and fight the Roads to Ruin.  You can watch the entire webinar here:https://1000fof.org/m-cores-webinar/  I shared six ways that the

FCV visits Washington D.C. for Conservation Voters Lobby Day

Today, FCV’s South Florida Lead Organizer Olivia Nedd and I are braving the chill of Washington DC to advocate for Clean Rides for Kids, the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and Clean Energy for All. Laura Forero, our colleague at the national League of Conservation Voters helped us navigate the Capitol