Snakes Speak for Conservation

Today is World Snake Day! Our slithery friends often get a bad rep. Known in folklore as evil or devious, snakes actually play really important roles in our ecosystems and most of Florida’s native snakes are non-venomous. Florida is home to a whopping 46 native snake species!  The federally-threatened eastern

Independence Day 2020

Relatively speaking, the United States is a young nation and these last few months have been an important reminder that we’re still evolving. The COVID-19 pandemic is spiraling out of control, and yet at the same time, it has allowed us an opportunity to focus our eyes on some of

Gov. DeSantis Vetoes Bad Growth Management Bill

On June 30, Governor Ron DeSantis vetoed SB 410 – a bill that would have harmed local communities’ ability to address their own growth and development. FCV would like to thank the Governor for taking this action, and thank groups like 1000 Friends of Florida for leading the fight for

Governor Vetos Environmental Spending in 2020/2021 State Budget

Governor Ron DeSantis has signed Florida’s annual budget, but not without wielding his veto pen.  The good news: Florida Forever, Everglades Restoration, and several other key conservation programs are safe thanks to the Water and Land Conservation Amendment (Amendment 1) and Conservation Voters like you! This is Amendment 1 in

Treasures of the Green Swamp

The wild treasures of Florida are often hidden in plain sight. Nestled between the sprawling metropolitan areas of Tampa and Orlando, the Green Swamp is one of four statewide Areas of Critical State Concern and vital to protecting resources for Florida’s ever-growing population. The Green Swamp forms the headwaters of

It’s Pollinator Week!

Pollination is the process of transferring pollen grains from one flower to another. Pollinators come in many shapes and sizes. While “worker bees” get all the pollinator credit, butterflies, birds, bats, and beetles also play a role. In fact, bats are responsible for pollinating over 500 different plants, and there

Juneteenth Announcement 2020

Join the #SixNineteen weekend of action

Juneteenth is the nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States, which is recognized as June 19, 1865 – the day that enslaved people in Galveston, Texas finally received word of the Emancipation Proclamation. The day is also sometimes called “Freedom Day” or “Emancipation Day.”