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Author: FCVoters

Don’t get mad, get active

Protecting democracy and our environment isn't easy. But it's worth it. There's plenty of reasons to feel disillusioned about the government process. Many Americans like me and you feel dispensable, like a speck of dust in the desert, like we are drowning in a tidal

Speak Up Against Higher FPL Utility Bills

On Monday, June 21, the Public Service Commission held the first in a series of rate-payer workshops. These public meetings are intended to gather customer input on the massive 18% rate increase that Florida Power and Light has requested. This increase would fund new natural

Statement: Red Tide Prevention Lacking

STATEMENT FROM FCV DEPUTY DIRECTOR JONATHAN WEBBER ON GOVERNOR RON DESANTIS’ RED TIDE ROUNDTABLE IN ST. PETERSBURG “Governor DeSantis is following Red Tide Rick Scott’s footsteps by allowing corporate polluters to treat our state as a dumping ground. Red tide, blue-green algae, and other toxic

Protect Endangered Species with 30×30 Conservation Goals

Florida is one of the most species-rich states in the nation. With more than 80 different ecosystems, the state supports more than 100 species listed as endangered, threatened, or of special concern. Many rare species are found only in our state—like the Florida bonneted bat